Mapal’s offer for the series production of the motor block required for a new Deutz 3.9-litre
diesel engine included almost 100 different tools, as well as tool holders and adapters.
Effective tool management was therefore a priority. However, in the capable hands of
Mapal, the Zafra, Spain facility of Deutz knew it could rely on the delivery of an optimised
Deutz’s new 3.9-litre diesel engine sees most use in agricultural and construction machines.
Series production is due to start in the coming year after the current prototype phase. Some
50,000 units per annum will require manufacturing.
“Our clients’ development periods for new parts are becoming shorter and shorter,” states
Thomas Spang, global head of tool management at Mapal.
For the engine block of the new 3.9-litre diesel engine, Mapal only had two weeks after the
design freeze to complete a final offer. When Deutz sent its request, the Tool Management
department in collaboration with the Technology Expert Team (TET) at Mapal in Aalen first
gave some initial thought to the production process.
“To be quick, we don’t concern ourselves with detail at this early stage, but instead pull
together reference tools and concepts from previously completed projects”, explains Harald
Traub, project engineer from TET, who is responsible for planning the entire process. “In this
way, we’re able to specify an approximate budget and the rough scope of the tool package
for the client.”
After initial planning, concrete tool design followed in the second week. Mapal’s offer for
the series production of the motor block included almost 100 different tools. Many of them
are custom tools that achieve short machining time and thus high economic efficiency.
To produce prototypes quickly, a few close-to-standard tools were also specified.
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