Lantek helps Kanyana provide top service

Kanyana Engineering has followed a policy of providing unique sheet metal services at its Greenfields, Western Australia manufacturing facility since its formation in 1997. As part of its pursuit of excellence, managing director Graham Dawe understood that software and the integration of the company’s systems was crucial to his plan.

“I had experience from a previous computer business and wanted a fully integrated CADCAM and ERP system,” he explains. “With Lantek, this was all possible and we went for the full suite of Lantek Expert, Flex 3D and Integra straight away. We can take DXF files and 3D models directly from the customer and use the system to nest parts, program the lasers, and calculate a consistent and accurate price for the job.”

Stock material is stored within the system as are remnants from previous jobs so the company knows what is available, what has been earmarked for a job and what needs to be ordered. Via its tracking number, Kanyan can trace material down to the individual sheet used, producing material certificates for the customer.

“We can even switch materials, should the sheet we’ve allocated be under five tons of material, picking another of the same specification from the top of the pile and substituting its tracking number to maintain traceability.”

Once a quotation becomes an order, all the details and history of the job are released to the workshop ready for manufacture. Lantek’s MES software keeps control of where parts are in the shop, the time taken for each operation, and any lost or damaged parts which require remanufacturing. Live information is collected via workshop PCs and iPads on the laser machines, the press brakes and in the six fabrication bays. More information