Refurb service for Addison tube benders

Unison Ltd, a UK manufacturer of tube bending machines and the inventor of all-electric tube manipulation, is introducing a ‘refurbish and re-control’ service specifically for Addison tube bending machines.The service will provide owners of Addison tube benders with a cost-effective, quality-assured means of upgrading their older machines with the latest operating technologies.

It involves the use of Unison’s latest servo-drive platform, new control and drive chassis plates, a replacement machine controller, an updated safety PLC, and a new Windows 11 PC running the latest version of Unison’s Unibend CNC. A comprehensive warranty covers all replacement parts, while the service also includes a full machine inspection and condition report.

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£3.25m investment drive at Brandauer

One of Birmingham’s most respected manufacturers has completed a £3.25m investment drive to celebrate a King’s Award for Enterprise achievement.Brandauer, which employs 64 people, has commissioned its fifth high-speed Yamada press that will help it deliver quick-changeover subcontract stamping capabilities. The installation follows the purchase of a state-of-the-art laser micro-cutting machine, a purchase that was made possible by a 40% grant from the ‘Aerospace Up’ programme, giving the business this technology for the first time.Brandauer is promising to deliver up to £6m of sales over the next two years.

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MACH hailed as roaring success

The UK’s national event for inspiring and connecting the manufacturing industry has once again been hailed as a triumph, with thousands of visitors filling the five halls at the NEC in Birmingham over the week-long show in April. The 2024 edition of the exhibition saw a 6% increase in the number of visitors meaning the full attendance of the event is rapidly approaching 30,000 people.

A highlight of the seminar programme was the launch of the MTA’s latest ‘True Impact of Manufacturing Report’. The report reveals the significant positive impact that manufacturing has on the UK economy, which is far greater than many think. Key findings of the report include: manufacturing accounts for £518bn of UK GDP and supports 7.3m jobs; ‘making things’ accounts for 34.5% of all UK goods and services exports; and themedian wage in manufacturing is 11% above the national average.

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Rapid set-ups decide Cincom purchase

Last autumn, motorsport subcontractor h2m needed to replace an ageing sliding-head CNC turn-mill centre at its Hinckley factory. Joint managing directors and owners, father and son team Andy and Martin Forryan, considered buying a replacement from the supplier of the original twin-spindle, 32 mm capacity slider, but insteadopted for a Cincom M32-VIIILFV from Citizen Machinery UK.

Around 3000-off is a large run for sliding-head turned parts at h2m, while the production of batches of relatively simple components up to 500-off is typical for unattended overnight running. However, the company completestrickier jobs during day shifts in batch sizes as low as 10-off, so speed of programming is essential to minimise machine downtime.

Andy and Martin paid particular attention to this issue, concluding that the Cincom lathe with Citizen’s Alkart Wizard programming system would be less expensive and several times faster than if purchasing the other lathe. The wizard assists and simplifies the creation of even complex cycles using a built-in code library, reference material and diagrams.

Sharing some detail of their deliberations, Martin says: “Alkart Wizard is an inexpensive option. We use it to prepare programs and prove them offline for virtually every sliding-head part we produce. We only program the occasional simple component directly at the control.

“Even complicated components take just 30-40 minutes to program in Alkart with only a further 15-20 minutes to check the cycle virtually in the wizard.So a new job is always up and running in under an hour.”

He contrasts this with the much longer and more expensive route that would have been needed with the other slider, for which a similar wizard was not available.

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Start-up makes Lynx its first machine

Mills CNC has supplied Herriott Precision, a precision subcontract start-up, with a new multi-tasking lathe manufactured by DN Solutions.The machine, a FANUC-controlled 8-inch chuck/67mm bar diameter Lynx 2100LSYB sub-spindle Y-axis lathe, arrived at the company’s facility in Worcestershire in April 2024. Mills CNC supplied the machine through its ‘Smart Options’ machine tool rental scheme.

The Smart Options scheme enables manufacturers to ‘rent’ a new DN Solutions machine tool for an initial 12-month period. The initiative is a flexible option for component manufacturers looking to increase and improve their machining capacity and capabilities, without ties to a long-term finance agreement. No deposit is necessary and Mills CNC provides training as part of the package via an agreed schedule of tailored monthly payments. Rental payments are 100% allowable against taxable profits.

Despite being installed just a few short weeks ago, the Lynx 2100LSYB installed at Herriott Precision is already earning its keep machining a range of small, high-precision, complex parts for a range of customers.

The Lynx 2100LSYB at Herriott Precisionalso features a number of options and accessories.These include a high-efficiency Filtermist oil mist extraction unit, a MH500 swarf conveyor and bin, Hainbuch collet chucks and a Hydrafeed MSV65 servo-driven bar feeder with an integrated bar support unit.

Says owner and directorJoshua Herriott:“To date, we’ve only used our Lynx 2100LSYB for chucking work. However, the integration of a bar feeder enables us to take on new, higher volume work and, where feasible, run the machine unattended to achieve improved productivity and process efficiencies.”

He adds: “Throughout the whole process, Mills have been very supportive and proactive; exactly what was required to help me get the business up and running.”

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