Southern Manufacturing & Electronics acquired

Easyfairs, the world’s largest privately owned exhibition organiser, has acquired European Trade & Exhibition Services, organiser of the Southern Manufacturing & Electronics exhibition, bolstering an engineering and manufacturing portfolio that already incorporates Advanced Engineering. Southern Manufacturing & Electronics is in its 26th edition, and this year takes place on 6-8 February at the Farnborough International Exhibition Centre. The show attracts over 460 exhibitors and 9000 attendees. 

The show’s founder Phil Valentine says: “We could not be more delighted to reach this agreement with Easyfairs. As a family business, founded exactly 30 years ago, we were always going to be cautious in choosing the right company to take the event forward when we were ready to sell. We’ve built a strong relationship with the team at Easyfairs over many years; we’re therefore confident that Southern Manufacturing & Electronics is in the right hands for the future.”

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