SafanDarley E-Brake 35T Mini Cell at Stetec

At Stetec in Maarheeze, innovation is key. Exemplifying this notion, the company recently invested in a SafanDarley E-Brake 35T Mini Cell with E-Bend Check, taking a major step forward in its production automation. The Mini Cell helps Stetec work more efficiently and accurately, while E-Bend Checkensures every bending angle is measured and automatically corrected.

“At Stetec, we specialise in precision sheet metal fabrication, meaning we produce sheet metal components for technically advanced companies,” explains manufacturing engineer Rick Zalm.“Within the company, we handle both small and medium series production parts, in a wide variety of types and sizes. We therefore need machines that can produce all kinds of products, utilising different tools and technologies.”

He continues: “We saw the latest robotics and technologies of SafanDarley at a trade show. The Mini Cell aligned perfectly with the production methods that we want to apply.”

Stetec already has five SafanDarley press brakes in operation on the company’s modern production lines, so the Mini Cell felt like a familiar and reliable choice.

“The Mini Cell is performing exceptionally well,” states planning co-ordinator Daan Zalm. “I’ve noticed that we can produce more products and work in a more optimised way. Also, we have significantly greater control compared with manual operations. This reduces the risk of human error, enabling us to deliver better and more consistent quality.”

He adds: “After the SafanDarley Mini Cell performs a bend, we can check it with E-Bend Check to verify the angles and make automatic compensation adjustments as necessary. The result? We always deliver high-quality products to our customers. Moreover, we can run the Mini Cell unmanned in the evenings, which leads to higher output.”

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