Sale of complete automotive part facility

Industrial auction specialist Maynards has announced the continuation of a series of secured party sales involving the assets from another complete JD Norman plant in Germany. JD Norman, a major OEM and tier-one supplier of automotive powertrain and components, shut down in 2020 after more than 20 years of providing assembled components to automotive companies such as Mercedes Benz, Audi, Ford, VW, Fiat and Kia.

Items for sale include complete manufacturing lines used for automotive powertrain and engine components. The sale is currently underway and will end on 29 September with an online auction. Maynards is managing the sale in conjunction with a global team of automotive asset specialists that include Robert Levy Associates and Gordon Brothers. Over 1000 late-model assets are available from brands such as Samag, Heller, Heckert and others. In total, the sale includes over 150 CNC machines, as well as leak testers, parts washers, deburring machines, robots, cranes, QA equipment, tool-room equipment, factory vehicles and storage equipment.

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Starrett growth plans attract funding

South of Scotland Enterprise has awarded LS Starrett Company £181,000 towards a £500,000 investment project that will accelerate growth plans at its Jedburgh distribution facility. The company – which is a specialist in bandsaws and saw blades – is aiming to not only grow its current business in the UK but diversify into new sectors. This diversification will aim to create new skills, jobs and opportunities across the Scottish Borders in the coming years.

The announcement is welcome news for both Starrett and Jedburgh, which have a long association since the US firm set up its UK factory in the Scottish Borders town in 1958.

Last year, the business announced a restructure of its global manufacturing operations which resulted in the risk of losing over 100 jobs. Since then however, Starrett’s new management team – supported by 78 staff at its Jedburgh base – has successfully begun to rebuild the business, which has recorded 34% growth over the past 12 months.

Starrett is also supporting the further development of skills and opportunities through the rental of factory space to IndiNature, a sustainable construction materials business.

Says Starrett’s finance director Nicky Richardson: “Thanks to support from SOSE we’re now very excited and energised to accelerate growth into new markets as part of our half million-pound investment in the Jedburgh site.”

Commercial director Robert McKechnie adds: “Diversification into these new markets will be challenging but SOSE’s support allows us to recruit the best talent into our great team and continue driving the business forward.”

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£100,000 tensile test investment

One of the UK’s leading manufacturers of high-performance alloys has completed a £100,000 investment in a new testing room at its West Midlands factory. Alloy Wire International (AWI), which celebrates 75 years in business in 2021, has designed and equipped the facility to include two tensile testers, a micro-Vickers hardness tester and four laboratory furnaces to support heat treatment. The company has also acquired macro and micro imaging technology and a custom-built metallographic lab to help with the preparation of materials.

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Sharpening shop benefits from automation

The global pandemic has impacted businesses around the world, but for Aiguisatek, the impact was compounded by stringent local regulation in the Quebec province that all but shut down manufacturing in the area. Luckily for the Delson-based company, its investment in a Vollmer CHD 270 eight-axis TCT circular saw blade sharpening machine with Vollmer ND250 automation station enabled Aiguisatek to run unmanned production throughout the pandemic.

In 2015 Aiguisatek expanded into PCD cutting tools, increasing its offering and market share with existing customers, and gaining new clients. Since this diversification, the company has witnessed 25% year-on-year growth, expanding beyond its local customer base to support clients across the Quebec and Ontario areas. Of course, such aggressive growth, not just in PCD tooling but also TCT saw blades, required additional investment. So, in 2019 Aiguisatek acquired a Vollmer CHD270 eight-axis tooth-top and face-grinding machine with ND250 automation solution as part of a $1.5m investment programme.

Alluding to this growth, Aiguisatek president Lisa Goulet says: “PCD tooling has been a game-changer for us and has accelerated our growth. In a short time, the breakdown of our products is now 35% PCD and 65% carbide tooling. Simultaneously, our TCT saw blade department has grown by an average of 15% annually and we’re now servicing over 1000 saw blades a week. We wouldn’t have sustained this growth without our investment in the Vollmer CHD270 and ND250. Almost 90% of our customer base is in the woodworking industry. We now have three staff delivering/collecting saws and tools daily to manufacturers of everything from cabinets and furniture, through to windows, doors and the construction industry.”

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New MD at Trumpf

Trumpf has appointed Marcella Montelatici as its managing director for sales and service. She succeeds Reinhold Groß, who had held the position since 2014. In her new role, Montelatici is responsible for the sale of machines, services, software, digitisation solutions and consulting on all aspects of networked manufacturing. “The success of our customers is a top priority at Trumpf,” she says. “We support and accompany them in their development, and find the right solution – whether it’s a fully automated system, a digital upgrade of production or a classic stand-alone machine.”

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