Fivefold increase in machine productivity

Having over 50 years of experience in engineering, Team Inc (UK) is a company that specialises in leak-sealing services and solutions. With offices in Carlisle and throughout the UK, Team Inc has grown into a global brand with a reputation that extends from here to its headquarters in the US.

Among the company’s best-selling components are high-pressure injection adapters, which are finish-machined using reamers against a 24/7 schedule. The reamers used previously to machine these high-pressure injection adapters, made from high-tensile alloy steel (A193B7 and A320-L7), allowed Team UK’s engineers to produce between 1500-2000 parts a year. However, reamer wear was prone to causing component damage, leading to scrapped materials and waste. Ceratizit therefore recommended its Fullmax reamer.

Cutting data for the new reaming process was 1722 rpm with a feed rateof 1722 mm/min (1 mm per revolution feed). Saving 50 seconds per component, Team UK managed to increase its throughput to between 8000 and 10,000, equating to a fivefold increase in productivity.

Ceratizit’s new Fullmax Reamer also meant that fewer components saw damage during the process. As another benefit, whereas the new Fullmax Reamers show when they need replacing, there was no way for engineers to tell if the old reamers were wearing.

Chris Mitchell, manufacturing manager at Team UK, says:“Normally, when you want to increase process efficiency as much as this, there is a huge expense either through providing more manpower or buying expensive equipment. However, the new reamer was actually cheaper than the one we were using previously and it has provided a fivefold increase in the production of this adapter, which is absolutely outstanding. As well as this, it has virtually eradicated any waste in terms of scrapping parts.”
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Space Week set for lift-off in Cumbria

Later this month, manufacturers in Cumbria will have opportunities to see how they can diversify into the space industry. ISH (Industrial Solutions Hub) is hosting Space Week across West Cumbria on 26-30 June. The event will feature a wide range of speakers from the space industry, who will address business delegates at Lakes College, Workington on 26-28 June. Leaders from the UK Space Agency, the Satellite Applications Catapult and businesses already operating in the space sector will share information on how the market works. The Space Skills Alliance will also deliver a workshop presenting the skills needs of the industry.
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CAM for laser machines reduces machining times

GF Machining Solutions has released version 1.12.5 of its CAM software for laser texturing, engraving and micro-machining. This latest release includes two new major features: 3DCurves and FlexiBlast, incorporated within LaserDesign technology.

3DCurves allows users to increase their design capabilities while eliminating potential undesirable optical effects on laser engraved parts. It provides an innovative approach when creating fine line patterns and textures. Users no longer need to go through the traditional hatching process based on a grayscale bitmap and, thanks to 3Dcurves, can now engrave directly with a single continuous laser path following each individual polyline.

This new technology allows customers to create unprecedented designs applied in 2D with GF Machining Solutions’ Laser P range of machines. It also offers the possibility to create curves virtually on complex 3D parts and mould tools and inserts with the Laser S range. The technology uses polylines as opposed to images, which suffer limitations due to their bitmap resolution, to orientate the laser vectors in the local co-ordinate system.

FlexiBlast builds on GF Machining Solutions’ signature blasting capabilities by combining them with a grayscale image, controlling its intensity. For each individual pixel, it is possible to apply 216 shades of grey, each corresponding to a specific blasting intensity. This feature offers the potential to render high-definition photo-realistic images on any material. Moreover, it gives users the ability to increase the depth perception with very shallow textures, which reduces production time without any hardware modification. Fading textures and morphing are possible without altering surface geometry.

The technology provides advantages such as high definition with photo-realistic rendering, the creation of very fine textures with a significant rendering of depth and shallower textures for easier plastic de-moulding and faster machining times.
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Manufacturing analytics software supports 30% growth

A precision machining company has achieved 30% growth in turnover following the installation of a manufacturing analytics platform. Chesterfield-based Sterling Machining installed FourJaw’s manufacturing analytics platform on 14 of its CNC machines to support and inform its continuous improvement strategy.

Co-owner and production manager Andy White says: “We had an ERP in place but no way of accurately measuring jobs and their profitability until they were finished. If a job took longer than expected, we couldn’t see why. FourJaw’s machine monitoring system has given us valuable data that we use to understand machine utilisation, operational efficiency and profitability. In the past 12 months our business has grown from £3.8m to £5m turnover.”

FourJaw’s MachineLink IIoT device is suitable for easy and quick self-installation on any manufacturing machine, regardless of brand, type or age, which makes it suitable for small and medium-sized businesses that prefer a low-cost, no-fuss ‘plug-and-play’ solution. By monitoring and analysing machine data, FourJaw enables manufacturers to make machines run productively and profitably.

“Initially, the guys on the shop floor were a little reluctant but soon became interested to see how it worked,” says White. “It didn’t take long for them to become competitive, wanting to get the best machine efficiency scores, resulting in utilisation going from 75% to 100%. This means that we’re making more products with the same resources, lowering the cost of manufacturing and therefore improving profitability.”

Since installing FourJaw on its machines, the team at Sterling Machining has improved many processes, informed by the platform’s accurate real-time data. For example, the team uses historic data to see how long similar jobs have taken and uses this information to quote more confidently for future work.
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Inspiring the next industrial era

Manufacturing World Japan, an international manufacturing event set to take place on 21-23 June, is launching its exhibitor directory and conference programme. The exhibitor directory is a thorough listing of manufacturers showing products, equipment and ground-breaking technologies. Visitors can browse a wide variety of exhibitors, form useful connections and learn about fresh business opportunities.

Complementing the exhibitor directory, the conference programme features a line-up of 30 speakers, including industry experts and thought leaders. There will be 21 sessions, including a keynote speech and 20 special lectures. Teiji Hirata, corporate vice president, vehicle production and development, Nissan Motor Co, will lead this year’s keynote speech by shedding light on Nissan’s cutting-edge manufacturing practices and its vision for next-generation vehicle production.
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