Tornos Swiss XT at micro-machining show

Tornos presentedits Swiss XT at SIAMS 2024 in Moutier, Switzerland last month exemplifying the potential of the machine’s performance in micro-machining operations at small and medium-sized turned-part manufacturers.

Characteristics of the Swiss XT include its ergonomics and compact design, which deliver a minimal footprint and easy access to the three tool systems. Among the aims of these innovationsis reducing maintenance to zero.

With configurations available in eight or nine axes and the ability to use three tools in cut simultaneously, the Swiss XT increases productivity. According to Tornos, the nine-axis version, with its three Zaxes, simplifies complex operations.

The Swiss XT offers up to 48 tool positions, including 18 rotating positions. This capability allows customisation for a wide range of machining processes. The expanded tooling capacity ensures that users can maximise the productivity and efficiency of the machine while meeting complex and diverse production requirements.

Integrated advanced features of the Tornos Swiss XT include Eco Mode to reduces energy consumption and the ACB Plus system for efficient chip management. These advances ensure safer, more sustainable production and underline the commitment of Tornos to both energy efficiency and production safety. 

Also available for Swiss XT machines is the Tornos TISIS software. TISIS simplifies the use of special driven tools, while the integrated Gantt chart facilitates the synchronisation of machine channels. These modules allow operators to master the complexity of the Swiss XT quickly and ensure a smooth transition to this technology. 

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