New machine acquisition model

Machine tool manufacturer DMG Mori has extended its end-to-end digital solutions by introducing a new way for existing and prospective users to acquire its machine tools, apps, other software and value-added services. The new PAYZR business model, powered by Industry 4.0 platform ADAMOS, offers a digital point of sale at from where customers can configure and order equipment-as-a-service and software-as-a-service.
PAYZR (pay with zero risk) is a hybrid system based on pay-per-use rather than ownership. It allows manufacturers to acquire a new machine tool by paying a monthly subscription plus a fee per spindle hour used. The cost of both depends on the machine selected, its specification and the duration of the contract. Included is a package that comprises supply, commissioning, training, service and maintenance, as well as insurance covering a machine crash and loss of earnings while the machine is out of action.

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