Fast and cost-effective surface measurement

Hexagon’s Manufacturing Intelligence division has announced the release of a new laser scanner for CMMs. The HP-L-10.10 LITE is for manufacturers seeking a cost-effective option that delivers more efficient surface measurement and higher throughput.

Concentrating on core laser scanning functions, the newHP-L-10.10 LITE laser scanner makes it easy and affordable for manufacturers to benefit from the measurement speed and coverage of laser scanning. The scanner captures the complete surface data of a part in a fraction of the time compared with measuring many points or lines using tactile measurement methods.

“When launching the standard-setting HP-L-10.10 CMM laser scanner in 2021, we knew many manufacturers wanted to increase their inspection efficiency and throughput but did not necessarily require that scanner’s full feature set of capabilities,” says Patryk Wroclawski, non-contact sensors product manager. “The HP-L-10.10 LITE is our answer to this need. And while it might be our entry-level scanner, it’s a high-speed and accurate device that delivers big productivity improvements across multiple measurement applications.”

Hexagon built the scanner upon its latest cross-platform laser line scanning technology. It employs the same SHINE (Systematic High-Intelligence Noise Elimination) technology as the flagship HP-L-10.10, allowing it to collect clean 3D measurement data from almost any surface material and finishquickly and accurately.Fast point cloud creation at up to 240,000 points per second acquisition rate and a 120 Hz frame rate make the HP-L-10.10 LITE suitable for scanning surfaces quickly, and its probing form error of just 14 µm is strong performance for laser scanning on a CMM.Equipped with the HP-L-10.10 LITE, a CMM becomes a multi-sensor machine that can handle most measurement tasks.
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