Hoffmann Group and Iscar team up

From 1 October 2023, the Hoffmann Group will offer the complete tool range of Iscar throughout Europe and supply it from its central LogisticCitywarehouse in Nuremberg. Hoffmann SE, representing the Hoffmann Group, and Iscar Ltd signedthe underlying agreement last month. Borries Schüler, chief product management andengineering officer with Hoffmann SE, says: “With Iscar´s tools we can offer an even wider range along with targeted process solutions for all machining tasks. This co-operation will offer real benefits tocustomers.”
For further information www.hoffman-group.com

5G helping manufacturing efficiency

The delivery of the UK’s first, fully operational 5G Standalone (5G SA) testbed is bringing UK manufacturers another step closer to creating a more adaptable manufacturing ecosystem.
Lead engineers from the University of Sheffield’s Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) North West, hosted the 5G Factory of the Future programme close-out event, alongside project partners at the end of last month.

“The 5G FoF project has successfully delivered the largest manufacturing testbed in the UK with 5G standalone capability,” says Dr Aparajithan Sivanathan, project lead for the 5G Factory of the Future programme and head of digital technology at AMRC North West. “We’ve also created a business model that will sustain the testbed beyond the end of the project. 5G is going to be the future and we’re now thinking about the next phase.”
For further information www.amrc.co.uk

‘Good’ grade for MTC Training

MTC Training’s staff, learners and partners are celebrating the success of the organisation’s first full Ofsted visit. The skills provider, which seeds the UK manufacturing industry with future-proof engineering skills through bespoke specialist training programmes, secured an overall rating of ‘Good’, with ‘Outstanding’ grades for ‘Personal Development’ and ‘Behaviours and Attitudes’.The inspection took place across MTC Training’s two centres: the Advanced Manufacturing Training Centre in Coventry, and Oxfordshire Advanced Skills in Culham.
For further information www.the-mtc.org

Ground-breaking agreement

The Manufacturing Technology Centre and the Herefordshire-based New Model Institute for Technology and Engineering have signed a ground-breaking agreement, leading the way to regional partnership and industrial and educational growth.The collaboration will build on the advanced technologies of the MTC and the academic quality and distinctiveness of NMITE, providing students with hands-on access to the latest manufacturing equipment and techniques. MTC@NMITE will also work with local businesses in transferring and adopting knowledge to boost manufacturing productivity and sustainability.
For further information www.the-mtc.org

New initiative equips teachers for 3D printing

Daemon3D Print is launching a new initiative that equips and supports teachers to deliver highly effective lessons on how to use and apply 3D printers and scanners. The initiative, which is part of the company’s Makerspace services, targets both STEM and arts subject specialists for key stages 3 and 4.Makerspaces help teachers create and deliver engaging learning experiences so that students of all abilities can find their strengths and realise their potential. Working individually or in teams, students are able to constantly motivate and support each other in their individual tasks and learning.
For further information www.daemon3dprint.com/makerspace