Making way for UK’s largest open-die forge

Demolition has started at Sheffield Forgemasters to facilitate construction of the UK’s largest open-die forging line.Parts of the site north of Brightside Lane are undergoing controlled demolition to create space for a 13,000 tonne forge, which will house a new 12,700 sq m structure adjacent to the Sheffield to Meadowhall train line.Sections of disused forge and foundry buildings that date from the Victorian era, will make way for the new facility, creating one of the most efficient open-die forging operations in Europe and the largest within the UK.

According to the company, the whole project is working to the best environmental standards, so all spoil from the site will be graded and recycled as far as is possible. Estimates suggest that the multi-million pound project will see completion of the foundations by 2025.The new facility will service defence and commercial work in sectors such as civil nuclear power.
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