BMW opens automated pressing facility

BMW Group board member for production, Dr Milan Nedeljković, formally opened a new automated steel pressing facility at the company’s Swindon plant last week. The new press will produce steel panels for the Mini plant in Oxford at twice the rate of the equipment it replaces, with the steel blanks and finished panels handled by a new fleet of automatic guided vehicles (AGVs).

This facility is a technological first for the BMW Group and will be rolled out in other press shops around the company’s global network of manufacturing plants. In total, 23 new AGVs have been commissioned in the new facility, with more planned over the next few years. The new press comprises of six individual stations which can produce up to 18 parts per minute, more than twice the capacity of the previous press line. The time taken swap press tools is also significantly less, from 30 minutes, to a little over three minutes.
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