30 years of all-electric tube benders

Tube bending technology specialist Unison Ltd is celebrating 30 years since it launched the world’s first all-electric tube bending machine. It is an invention that changed the method of tube bending by precision industries around the globe. “It was no great secret that the accuracy of hydraulic tube bending machines could be affected by fluctuating oil temperature,” says joint managing director Alan Pickering.

Called the Unison Breeze, the world’s first all-electric three-axis tube bending machine was launched in 1994, with the company subsequently registering UK and German patents. In the years since, Unison has launched the world’s first all-electric five-stack tube bending machine, followed by the world’s first 76, 115, 150 and 180 mm multi-stack machines, as well as robotised and twin-head tube benders.

More informationwww.unisonltd.com