The Digital Manufacturing Centre (DMC) is further expanding its partnership with Renishaw through the addition of connected metrology solutions. This new agreement is critical to the DMC’s on-site machining and inspection capabilities, delivered via precision engineering specialist Produmax. The partnership will see Produmax’s machining and inspection services linked into the DMC’s intelligent, connected process chain, making for a key element in the realisation of a true digital twin and the real-world application of Industry 4.0.
Equipped with a new DMG Mori DMU 60 eVo Linear five-axis machining centre, Produmax will utilise a Renishaw OMP600 optical probe in conjunction with NC-Checker and NC-PerfectPart software from Renishaw associate company MSP, to ensure machine capability and enable complex part alignment prior to machining. A Siemens controller will proactively adapt machining processes to the subtle variations in net-shape components made through additive manufacturing.
During machining, a Renishaw NC4+ Blue laser tool setter will help the DMC achieve the high levels of precision required to deliver the necessary tolerances and surface finishes. Produmax will then analyse the parts using a Renishaw Revo five-axis measurement system to certify quality.
Revo’s multi-sensor capability and high-performance scanning provide Produmax with non-contact and surface finish analysis in a single CMM. The CMM will come equipped with Renishaw’s five-axis tactile scanning and touch-trigger probe, surface-finish measurement tools (SFP2) and non-contact optical fringe probe (RFP). This suite of technology will give the DMC and Produmax the ability to carry out a variety of measurement tasks in a single datum system and in one operation.
Headquartered at Silverstone Park, the DMC aims to realise the disruptive potential of additive and connected manufacturing.
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