Trumpf offers pay-per-part business model

The EuroBLECH 2022 exhibition (Hanover, 25-28 October) will see Trumpf unveil a new digital pay-per-part business model for its full-service TruLaser Center 7030 laser cutter. Using an equipment-as-a-service (EAAS) model, the company will supply customers with this high-output machine along with a material storage system. These customers will be able to use the TruLaser Center 7030 for their own manufacturing requirements.

Trumpf will have access to the machine from its remote control centre in Neukirch without the customer having to be present all the time. For this purpose, the full-service laser machine is fitted with cameras, sensors and remote-control systems. Trumpf will be able to schedule and oversee manufacturing processes remotely, and provide machine programming and maintenance.
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