Almadec was founded at the end of November 2018 as a newcomer in the bar-turning world by Stefano Buonpane in Brügg, Switzerland. Annexed to the premises of Buonpane’s first company, named Precisteel, Almadec is gradually being built around two Tornos SwissNano 4 turning machines.

Precisteel mainly produces parts for industrial machines used in the connector sector, and for watchmakers. For this target market, Buonpane decided to invest in SwissNano 4 machines. A Tornos Deco 10 machine has also been ordered.
“These machines have an excellent reputation,” says Buonpane. “My customers often request various special parts that we can now manufacture on the Tornos machines.”
Almadec’s spacious premises in Brügg are geared to accommodate an even larger machine inventory; equipment that can cope with upcoming demands.
“We make suggestions and conduct a feasibility study,” says Buonpane. “There is no challenge that frightens us.”
Buonpane makes his know-how available to customers, while his motivated staff can set machines for complex workpieces, from prototypes to large batches.
“I founded this company based on the vision of its future and permanence,” he says. “Precisteel is a family-owned enterprise and the same is true for Almadec. And it’s an important asset I’m intending to invest in.”
Buonpane has every reason to be confident. Some 13 years of experience with Precisteel have enabled him to lay solid foundations for Almadec – the latter being a name that could soon earn a reputation, especially in the watchmaking sector, thanks to machines from Tornos.
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