Optimised cutting efficiency for Össur

Waterjet cutting machines are a popular choice for fabricators that desire speed and efficiency when cutting a variety of materials. If the quality of the waterjet is lacking, issues like noise control and poor cutting accuracy will hamper production outcomes. This is the situation that Össur Sporting Solutions was experiencing using a waterjet with a robotic arm purchased from another company to trim prosthetics parts. However, after connecting with WardJet in 2015, the Iceland-based company discovered WardJet’s tailored waterjet system approach and has since purchased five machines.

After initial discussions with Össur, it was clear that the company needed a waterjet solution that met specific business objectives, and at the same time addressed the issues resulting from its previous waterjet system, which included accuracy, footprint and noise.

Using a gantry-based motion system greatly improved Össur’s path accuracy versus the previous robotic arm. Furthermore, eliminating the secondary hand finishing of parts saved valuable time, making the total production process more efficient overall.

With regard to footprint, using a standard WardJet motion system as a starting point, X-Y travel was decreased to 1.0 x 1.0 m, ensuring the size of the machine is as compact as possible. This configuration keeps the overall system footprint smaller than the robotic arm solution.

Össur also implemented a high-speed, dynamic water-level control system which sets the water level to follow the Z-axis motion of the cutting head automatically, keeping the part and waterjet nozzle continuously submerged 25 mm underwater throughout its full 610 mm range of travel. Cutting underwater keeps sound levels below the threshold of necessary ear protection.

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