Improving the usability of surface conditioning

Tyrolit was recently approached by two customers to provide a solution on an existing process suffering from two crucial issues: supply problems from the incumbent supplier and poor lifetime of the product due to belt joints failing.

Using Tyrolit’s Bibielle X-Flex product, the aerospace machining customer ran back-to-back tests against its current solution to try and resolve the quality issues it had been experiencing. The outcome: no breakage over the useable lifetime of the belts. Furthermore, in comparison to the existing supplier, by using Bibielle X-Flex the process achieved a 100% increase in the number of parts produced. Not only is this a hugely beneficial result but it has also saved time, ultimately proving more cost-effective.

The extended benefits of Bibielle surface conditioning products also had a positive impact for another Tyrolit client, a company specialising in casting industrial gas turbine components. This client also began trialling Bibielle X-Flex belts as it was experiencing issues during the manufacturing process (belts snapping), resulting in short lifecycle. Previously, a company engineer would hand manipulate the belt to add flexibility to the backing in an attempt to soften it, allowing the belt to rotate without delaminating. However, with the proprietary material of Bibielle surface conditioning, the structure is quite particular, making it very flexible. In turn, this flexibility allows a tighter radii on the tool and prevents delamination, resulting in the added benefit of extended product life.

The fact that Bibielle X-Flex goes straight on the tool and is flexible from the start, allows usage ‘straight from the box’, making for a cost- and time-saving investment.
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