Arch Motorcycle partners with Hexagon

Hexagon’s Manufacturing Intelligence division andArch Motorcycle, a manufacturer of high-performance bespoke motorcycles, are partnering to support the quality control demands of engineering and producing unique riding experiences for Arch customers.  

By combining artistry and engineering with precision technologies, Arch maximises the performance potential of its motorcycles while keeping innovation at the forefront of design. The partnership is geared to help Arch expand its commitment to producing bespoke motorcycles by fully digitising quality processes throughout engineering and manufacturing with new measurement technologies. 

Among the 3D scanning technologies to be implemented by Arch Motorcycle include Hexagon’s equipment and software for reverse engineering, which will enable the company to retain classic design elements for application to products in development. The technology will also help Arch Motorcycle, which was co-founded by actor Keanu Reeves in 2011, create tailored ergonomic motorcycle designs that incorporate individual customer specifications for shocks, seats, handlebars, foot controls and overall fit. 

The ability to perform quick digitisation of part dimensions and surface finishes for comparison with CAD models and quality standards will enable Arch to improve both throughput and quality control easily and with confidence in the data. It also allows the company to keep an accurate digital 3D record of each customer’s motorcycle to support future customer service. 

Hexagon devices to be used by the Arch manufacturing team include a measurement arm (Absolute Arm) with line-scanner (the AS1 laser scanner) that enables even inexperienced users to capture measurements directly into associated software. The 3D laser scanner provides a guided workflow that helps users visualise 3D models and guides them through successful coverage of critical features and surface measurements. Paired with tightly integrated measurement software, the laser scanner also makes it easy to scan large components and reverse engineer parts. 

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