Report reveals hidden cost of accidents

Organisations may be unwittingly paying the price for poor health and safety practices in the workplace, a new report suggests. While accidents that cause injuries, absences, compensation claims and fines are known to be costly, employers are not always aware that a poor safety culture can also impact staff morale, productivity, turnover and, ultimately, their bottom line.

Seton, a health and safety solutions provider, has published a new report highlighting the benefits of prioritising employee safety, with insights from experts in personal injury law and HR. Across the UK, almost 700,000 people suffered a non-fatal workplace injury in 2019/20, while 142 were killed in 2020/21 (according to HSE statistics). These numbers are clearly devastating for workers and their families, but it also comes at a cost of £5.6bn per year to individuals, employers and the government – or around £1.7m per fatal injury and £8800 per non-fatal injury. However, according to Seton, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

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