Boosting shop-floor efficiency

New in-machine measurement technologies released by Hexagon’s Manufacturing Intelligence division significantly increase the variety of probing and tool-setting options for manufacturers seeking efficiency gains in a variety of production environments. Hexagon’s multi-sensor machine tool measurement capabilities now include compact tactile radio probes and a flexible tool-setter that can be used interchangeably to identify and correct manufacturing problems early in the production process.

While in-machine measurement makes it easy to collect and quickly apply manufacturing data to work-in-progress, integrating probes and tool setters that match the requirements of a specific machining environment can be a challenge. Without access to metrology equipment that can accommodate tight machining envelopes, manufacturers strive for efficiency with limited inspection options, often with mixed results.

With the launch of a new metrology system that offers both compact tactile measurement and tool-setting capabilities, manufacturers gain the ability to design in-machine inspection processes that fit their needs. Hexagon’s versatile new m&h R-400 multi-sensor radio probe system can fulfil both in-machine workpiece measurement and tool-setting requirements. The system is suitable for a variety of purposes in a range of environments, including machining set-ups with any machine tool, the highly accurate measurement of complex freeform geometries with tight tolerances, and the checking of machine kinematics.

Hexagon’s dual-purpose m&h R-400 probe system is the first tactile probe on the market that includes a built-in display. It provides status data at a glance, enables users to save or load settings, and makes it easy to switch between tactile sensor and tool-setting functions. Designed for shop-floor flexibility, the system can be used as a radio probe by equipping it with a probe shank or as a radio tool setter by mounting it on a tool-setter base.

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