Serving work holding on a plate

Following the recent installation of a DMU 85 MonoBlock five-axis machining centre at the manufacturing facility of Cambridge University’s Whittle Laboratory, the search began for a flexible, comprehensive work-holding system. Given the important projects undertaken by the busy department, the proposed work holding needed to exhibit robust, high-precision characteristics and support rapid changeovers.

After considering several alternatives, the answer arrived in the form of Lang Technik’s Quick Point, a durable, baseplate-centred system that acts as an accurate interface between a machine tool’s table and work-holding devices. To enable Quick Point to accommodate and mount the facility’s diverse work-holding applications, the Whittle Laboratory purchased a further range of work-holding devices from Lang Technik UK, including a stamping unit, Makro-Grip five-axis vices, Avanti base jaws and soft top jaws.

Dr James Taylor, compressor research fellow at the Whittle Laboratory, which specialises in turbomachinery research, says: “In addition to the Quick Point and associated clamping devices satisfying our efficiency and precision criteria, as Lang Technik’s solution cost less than certain other less technically capable systems, our purchasing decision was relatively easy.

“Given the generous 1000 mm diameter of our new machine tool’s table, we have now located Quick-Point baseplates across the whole of the available area. Each of the baseplates is fitted with Lang Technik clamping devices. These set-ups allow us to quickly change between, for instance, vice-type machining and larger fixtures that hold the roots of our different blade designs. It helps that, in addition to accommodating our new work holding, the flexible Quick-Point system is also able to securely hold our existing work-holding devices. The speed and simplicity of Lang Technik’s Quick Point and clamping devices means that we have now achieved our aims of significantly reducing time lost between machining jobs and increasing our productive cycle times.”

For further information