Ford EV production gets 5G boost

Ford and its consortium partners have received government backing for the introduction of 5G connectivity to accelerate electric vehicle (EV) manufacturing.

A 5G mobile private network delivered by Vodafone Business will be installed this autumn in the new E:PriME (Electrified Powertrain in Manufacturing Engineering) facility on Ford’s Dunton campus in Essex. The Vodafone Business 5G solution is set to overcome many of the issues surrounding wireless connectivity in industrial settings, promising reduced delays, wider bandwidth, improved security and reliability, and faster deployment time.
Once installed, E:PriME Dunton will have the fastest possible connectivity alongside the consortium’s second network at welding research specialist TWI, based in Cambridge. Ford will focus on the connectivity of its welding machines. The batteries and electric motors within an EV require around 1000 welds. For a single EV product, the solution could generate more than half a million pieces of data every minute.
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